June is a month with many meanings. For some, it marks the month for weddings, for others, the beginning of Summer; but for Ghana, June is significant as it marks the beginning of the rainy season. With the Wet Season well underway over the nation, the problem of plastic waste is amplified exponentially with each heavenly downpour and the fears of many living in slums (or not) come to existence as floods of biblical proportions engulf many parts of the nation.
This comes with some level of uncertainty because of the nation’s experience with floods after heavy showers. The rainy season is here and it promises to linger, according to the Meteorological Services Department, for at least, a few more weeks
The causes of these massive floods and ensuing disasters, are noticeable everywhere because water-ways, river courses, open and closed drains have become receptacles for plastic and other wastes which choke them in the process and consequently aids the process of flooding. The plastic waste issue is a global catastrophe; a failure on the part of citizens and municipal authorities of equitable blame.
Here in Ghana, an initiative has been launched and is well underway to becoming an adoptable programme which will ensure that the management of plastic waste is tackled from source.
Our Team at Media Republique chanced upon a news feature on the Voltic and Environmental360 initiative for community recycling dubbed “Evolve”.
That the initiative has succeeded in collecting about 28 tonnes of plastic waste and 32 of papers from the system (i.e. households and commercial centres) since its inception in 2015 alone is enough testimony to the important role the programme has come to play in helping to address the issue – a start in the right direction.
It is so refreshing to know that aside helping to retrieve an average of 2.5 tonnes of plastic waste per month through 60 public containers strategically sited across the city, the programme comes with a concept that raises funds for environmental education in coastal and urban regions, reaching thousands of pupils/children (the ‘capture young minds now’ principle).
If more and more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) drives will be so calculated and aligned to addressing specific and pressing societal needs such as this, there is sure to be impressive progress in the development of the nation and the enhanced well-being of the citizenry.
Our ears are out on the PR/CSR landscape as we scope various media platforms to highlight how organizations and institutions redefine the idea behind social responsibility and their active incorporation of Public Relations activities that they exhibit while conducting their business.
For now, Voltic and Environment360 have won a place in our ‘Story of the Week’ section and we are full of praise for them.
You can read more about the project via the link below: http://www.myjoyonline.com/business/2015/october-28th/voltic-partners-environment360-to-launch-evolve-community-pet-recycling-project.php